
机器鼠11-15 02:30

Geometry_of_Single_point_Turning_Tools_and_Drills__Fundamentals_and_Practical_Applications.pdf 有要的吗?刀具,细节,很到位。英文版。 国内无人这么细研究的吧?

机器鼠11-15 03:12
李东ld11-15 03:11
从网上查找这本书是Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing丛书中的一本 请问这套丛书共包含哪几本书
lpg198811-15 03:09
招魂者11-15 03:08
狙击手11-15 03:06
1 What Does It Mean “Metal Cutting”? ...........................................................1 1.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................1 1.2 Known Results and Comparison with Other Forming Processes ..............2 1.2.1 Single-shear Plane Model of Metal Cutting ...................................2 1.2.2 Metal Cutting vs. Other Closely Related Manufacturing Operations .................................................................................................5 1.3 What Went Wrong in the Representation of Metal Cutting?...................22 1.3.1 Force Diagram..............................................................................23 1.3.2 Resistance of the Work Material in Cutting.................................25 1.3.3 Comparison of the Known Solutions for the Single-shear Plane Model with Experimental Results .................................................27 1.4 What is Metal
showmark11-15 03:06
机器鼠11-15 03:04
机器鼠11-15 03:03
Although almost any book and/or text on metal cutting, cutting tool design, and manufacturing process discusses to a certain extent the tool geometry, the body of knowledge on the subject is scattered andconfusing. Moreover, there is no clear objective(s) set in the selection of the tool geometry parameters so that an answer to a simple question about optimal tool geometry cannot be found in the literature on the subject. This is because a criterion (criteria) of optimization is not clear, on one hand, and because the role of cutting tool geometry in machining process optimization has never been studied systematically, on the other. As a result, many practical tool/process designers are forced to use extremely vague ranges of tool geometry parameters provided by handbooks. Being at least 20+ years outdated, these data do not account for any particularities of a machining operation including a particular grade of tool material, the condition of the machine used, th
招魂者11-15 03:02