
浙江-杭州 发布日期 2021-12-01
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4.外压壳型PTCPTC heater with shell1.结构图Configuration.Other configurations are shown in the picture of “Various kinds of aluminum shells”2.用途举例。铝外壳型PTC 加热器,特点是结构简单,容易安装,自动恒温,不需要温度控制,安全,寿命长。加热液体的PTC,在没有液体时,也不会损坏。产品终端温度低于290℃的场合,使用PTC加热有很大优势。主要用途:直发器,卷发器,熔蜡器,蒸汽发生器,开水器、热水器,保温杯、热奶器,咖啡加热器,过胶机,热熔胶枪,巧克力挤出器。3.使用注意。1)发热功率在通电后由大到小,最后稳定。稳定功率与使用条件有关,同一件PTC发热器,使用条件不同,则功率可能相差几倍。散热越快则稳定功率越大;PTC的表面温度越高则功率越高。2)工作电压的变化对表面温度的影响比较小。当工作电压增加2倍(或下降1/2)时,表面温度的上升(或下降)8℃左右。3)我公司生产的PTC,本身可靠性很高、的寿命很长,但是如果装配不当,最终产品会出现功率和温度不稳定等情形。4)多个PTC一起使用时,应并联,不可串联。注:a)可根据客户要求,温度在50℃~280℃之间选择。使用电压可选择6V~400V,直流或交流均可。b)温度公差一般为±7℃。c)煮水功率的测试条件:产品直接接触水,水温25℃时测试。d)外型尺寸也可以按可户要求制造,现有铝壳尺寸见下图和列表。2. ApplicationsPTC Heater with shell,it is very easy to fit, constant temperature, safty, long last time. PTC heater is very appropriate under 260℃ temperature. Main appliances: hair straightener, hair curler (crimper), wax melting heater, humidifier, water boiler, liquid warmer, coffee warmer, polymer press-coating heater, hot glue gun, chocolate extruder. For detailed uses of PTC, air heater, hair straightener, hair curler, drink warmer, water heater, vapor generater, read other pages in this website.3. Notice in appliance.1) After switching on, the heating power is large, and then decrease, finally it become steady state. The steady state power depends on appliance conditions. Faster is the heat conduction, higher is the steady state power; higher is the surface temperature, higher is the steady state power.2) The surface temperature of PTC can be controlled by itself, control circuit and protecting circuit may be omitted in most appliances.3) It can be used for heating liquid, and it’s no problem when liquid was dried.4) Very high reliable, over temperature was impossible.5) The surface temperature increases (or decreases) about 8℃, when supplied voltage increases (or decreases) 2 time.6) Our PTC products are reliable, long aging, but if they are assembled improperly, the end product may be loose, power or temperature may be instable.7) Parallel connection is necessary for two or more PTC connection.4.常用产品 和尺寸 Specifications.1.工作电压12V/24V/110V/240V;绝缘电压3750V/1sec,PTC元件耐电压100%全检,110V耐电压为400V/min,220V耐电压为550V/min;2.器件表面温度为70℃~290℃;温度公差小于±5℃;3.高温导线、套管、绝缘膜及铝壳尺寸按客户要求订做,材料采用符合安规标准及RoHS要求;4.具有升温快,冲击电流小、通电击穿率极低等特点;5.特殊规格(低电压、外形尺寸、结构、功率)可以按客户要求制造。1. Working Voltage rang:12V/24V/110V/240V;Insulating Voltage :3750V/1sec2.Surface Temperature Of PTC Heater : 70℃~300℃ , the tolerance of surface temperature : <±5℃3. The lead wire, fiber glass sleeve , insulate film and shells can customized according to per customers’requirements.