凝胶系列 低硬度弹性凝胶 有机硅橡胶/粘合剂/灌封胶/导电胶

重庆-重庆 发布日期 2021-12-16
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凝胶一族Gel Family低硬度弹性凝胶Gels, Low DuroSilicone Rubber产品描述Product DescriptionSS-4060,5060,6060和6080都是双组分室温固化的弹性硅橡胶。它们适用于快速固化的情形。经室温下3小时固化或加热15分钟固化后,所形成的弹性体可抵御气候、臭氧、潮湿、紫外线、高温。SS-4060, 5060, 6060 and 6080 are room temperature curing silicone RTV gels. These were developed for applications requiring a fast cure silicone gel product. All are two part, 1:1 mix ratio silicone that when mixed at room temperature, cure in 180 minutes, or when exposed to heat results in a cured gel in 15 minutes. When cured, the elastomer resists weathering, ozone, moisture, UV and high temperatures.产品特点Product Features加成固化Addition cure liquid优异的模压性能,可敷形于塑料、金属和玻璃材质Excellent moldability and conformation to plastic, metal and glass parts混合比1:1,使用方便Convenient 1:1 mix ratio透明硅胶Clear silicone rubber典型应用Typical Applications有透明要求的灌封Clear potting or encapsulation of parts电子元件减振、隔震或隔热Electronic component vibration, shock and thermal insulation防尘、防潮Dust and moisture protection电绝缘Dielectric insulation颜色:澄清(可根据需求定制为其他颜色)Color:Clear(Custom colors available upon request)固化机理Chemical cure system铂催化下的加成固化反应Platinum catalyzed, addition Cure System混合说明Mixing Instructions最佳混合方式是按要求的体积比或重量比混合并进行脱气处理。可使用自动设备进行混合。The preferred method of mixing and application of gels is by using a 1:1 mix ratio by volume or weight and then degassing. These can also be mixed and dispensed through automatic equipment.性能参数Typical Properties固化前黏度(厘泊): 1,000比重:0.98粘稠性(混合后): 轻质液体釜中寿命(分,室温): 120固化时间(分,室温): 180固化时间(分,150℃): 15UNCUREDViscosity, cps 1,000Specific Gravity 0.98Consistency mixed: light liquidPot-life @ R.T.: 120 minutesCure time @ R.T.: 180 minutesCure time @ 150 C 15 minutes固化后SS4060 SS5060 SS6060 SS6080硬度:邵氏A:30 10 10介电常数: 2.8耗散因数: 0.001体积电阻率: 1.0x1015热膨胀系数: 1x10-3CUREDSS4060 SS5060 SS6060 SS6080Shore A 30 10 10Dielectric Constant 2.8Dissipation Factor 0.001Volume Resistivity 1.0x1015Coefficient Of Thermal Expansion 1x10-3固化深度与时间的关系Depth of cure vs time30至60分钟内即可实现型腔内任意深度的完全固化。Within 30 to 60 minutes, any depth of application filled with this product will be cured and fully encapsulated.温度范围Service Temperature-45至250℃-45 to 250℃操作注意Handling precautions与以下物质接触不利于固化过程:锡催化体系的橡胶组分、含硫化合物、叠氮化合物、亚胺化合物、乳胶手套、胺类化合物等Avoid contact with tin cured RTV’s, sulphur compounds, azides, imides, latex rubber gloves, and amines as cure system can be deactivated附着力Adhesion分为剥离用类型及粘接用类型。请在订购时明确您的要求。Peelable & Adhesive versions available. Please specify when ordering.使用限制Limitations不可使用于汽缸盖垫片或燃油浸泡的环境下。待完全固化后再使用工件。Do not use product on head gaskets or in solvent or fuel immersion applications. Allow to fully cure before putting assembly into service.包装规格Packaging此类凝胶产品均采用两支装。有50毫升、453克(1磅)、7.26千克(16磅)、36.28千克(80磅)等规格。此类产品也可根据客户需求,采用其他包装规格。These gels are available in 50 ml. dual syringes, one pound kits, 16 lb. kits and 80 lb. kits. These product are also available in customer defined packaging sizes, upon request.操作及安全Handling and safety暂不使用时将容器密封以延长保存期。避免孩童接触。未固化的产品对眼睛和皮肤有刺激作用。参考安全技术说明书(MSDS)。For maximum shelf life, keep containers sealed when not in use. Keep out of the reach of children. Uncured sealant irritates eyes and skin. Refer to MSDS.适用标准Applicable standards符合GM(通用汽车制造公司标准)低挥发物要求。Conforms to GM low volatility requirements.保质期Shelf-life自发货日起,厂家承诺密封条件下1年的保质期。请在低于22℃(70F)且干燥环境下贮存。Sealed containers are guaranteed for 1 year from the ship date when stored in a cool dry area below 70 F.有限承诺Limited warranty此处提供的表述、技术数据及推荐意见信息是根据我们的测定如实提供的,并相信是准确且可靠的。但由于使用本公司产品的条件和方法非我们所能控制,因此本信息不能取代客户进行的操作,以承诺产品是安全、有效、并完全满足于特定的最终用途。用户应根据自身情况及试验来判断产品是否达到使用效果,并自行承担产品的使用责任及风险。我们所提供的使用建议,不得被视为侵犯任何专利的误导。我们的唯一保证,是产品在发货时满足的销售规格及剂量。如果该保证不能兑现,您所能获得的补偿仅限于退还被保证产品的购货价款或重新更换。特别声明,对于其它特别用途或商品的任何明示或暗示的适用性不作任何保证。我们对买家或第三方的任何事故或由此引起的损失不负任何责任。我们对在本文中未作出陈述的其他书面说法也不作承诺保障。All recommendations, statements and technical data herein are based on tests we believe to be reliable and correct, but accuracy and completeness of said tests are not guaranteed and are not to be construed as warranty, either expressed or applied. User shall rely on his own information and tests to determine suitability of the product for the intended use, and the user assumes all risk and liability resulting from the use of this product. Manufacturer’s sole responsibility shall be to replace that portion of product of the manufacturer proves to be defective. Manufacturer shall not be liable to the buyer or any third party for injury, loss or damage directly or indirectly resulting from the use of, or inability to use, the product. Recommendations or statements other than those contained in a written agreement signed by an officer of the manufacturer shall not be binding by the manufacturer.该产品并未经过黏膜组织、破损皮肤、血液、或植入人体内等领域的测试,也不推荐使用于以上领域。This product has not been tested for, and is therefore not recommended for, uses for which prolonged contact with mucous membranes, abraded skin, or blood is intended; or for uses which implantation within the human body is intended.**可根据需要提供本文的其他语言版本****Customized versions availableupon request **