厂家供应1.5Kw380V单相平板振动器 铝质电机附着式振动器

浙江-台州 发布日期 2021-12-19
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铁蛋牌附着式混凝土平板振动器 INSERTION TYPE CONCRETE VIBRATOR产品综述:附着式混凝土振动器由电动机、软组合、振动棒三部件组成。防逆装置系有一堆键来承担,当电动机按照所需要的正向旋转时,推键由于离心力的作用,其头部迅速插入软轴插头,推动软轴转动,使振动棒产生振动。当电机由于电气相线联接不正确而发生逆向旋转时,推键即与软轴插头脱开,软轴不再转动,从而达到防止逆转,保护软轴的目的。电动机采用最新系列三相异步电动机,它具有体积小、全封闭式、E级绝缘,可用于灰尘多、水土飞溅的场所。振动棒的高频率,是由棒内一套行星机构所获得,因而当振动器在工作时,软轴和轴承等传动,均处于低速运转(即电动机转速)。所以,尽管振动器进行较长时间工作,软轴和轴承等另件并不十分发热,它具有软轴转速低,振动棒频率高的特点。Introduction:Electric Soft-Axle Insertion Type Concrete Vibrator consist of the motor, the soft axle and the vibration stick. On the upper part, the switch and the handle are installed; on the lower part; the preventing reverse system and the connector are installed. Those will make it easy to carry. The preventing reverse system driven by a push key. When the motor turns ording to the required direction, because of the effective of the centrifugation the head of the push key inserts the plug of soft axle to push the turning of the soft axle and vibrate the stick of vibration. If the phase lines were not connected correctly the motor turns reverse, the push axle does not turn again. It will forbid the reverse, and protect the soft axle.The motor of the machine is advanced, series three phase asynchronous motor. It has a small volume and light weight, completed closure and insulation by E class. It can be used in bust and water areas.The high frequency of the vibration stick is obtained by the “” organization in the stick. When the vibration works, the transmission parts such as: the soft axle and bearing will not reach high temperature. In a word, the product has the feature of low rotary speed of soft axle and high frequency of vibration stick.are formed by three long screw directly.1.5Kw,220V平板振动器()主要技术指标Main Technical Data电压220V型号ZW-7功率1.5Kw激振力700Kgf电流3.24A净重N.W.18.5Kg外形尺寸430*220*250mm