供应GFS3D1 全自动给袋式包装机洗衣粉食盐种子奶粉粉状颗粒包装

安徽-合肥 发布日期 2021-12-31
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GFS3D1全自动给袋式包装机(单仓)洗衣粉食盐种子奶粉粉状颗粒包装详细说明:该机组主要是完成将包装好的小袋产品(1~3千克)按要求(排列的形式:单仓竖直单列方式排列)整齐装入编织袋、缝包输出的全自动包装过程。从而实现了从散装物料小包装到编织袋包装的全自动化作业,节约了人力、物力及财力的投入,为客户减少生产成本,也提高了生产效率,该机组广泛用于洗衣粉、食盐、种子、奶粉等粉状、颗粒包装,是各大公司的首选机器。设备组成主要包括:双层倾斜输送机、高速输送机、计数理包机、编织袋全自动包装机、缝包机、产品输送机等。生产流程:小袋产品→水平输送机→双层倾斜输送机→高速输送机→计数理包机→编织袋全自动包装机→缝包机→编织袋产品输出。该机组具有以下优点:1.编织袋全自动包装机可实现自动上袋、开袋、计数、填充、移动输出、导入全自动缝包机自动实现缝包。实现包装过程无人化。2.该机组采用触摸屏控制,操作、规格切换、维修十分方便,安全可靠。3.可实现多种排列形式,以满足客户到需求。主要技术参数:1.本机组适用包装产品范围:1kg~3kg袋装产品;2.包装材料:纸袋、编织袋(涂膜);3.包装速度:大袋6~14袋/分钟,小袋:40~85包/分;包装速度根据产品而不同;4.排列的形式为:单仓下料、单列竖直放置;5.压缩空气:0.5~0.7MPa,最大耗气量0.8 m3/min;6.电源:6Kw 380V±10% 50Hz。GFS3D1 Automatic Bag Feeding Packaging Machine (Single Silo Type)Details:The packing machine is mainly to complete the packaged pouch products (1-3kg) by request (order form: vertical arranged separately) neatly into the bag, sewing bag out of the automatic packaging process. In order to achieve a small package from the bulk material to a woven bag, full automatic operation, saving manpower, material and financial inputs, to reduce production costs, improve production efficiency, the unit is widely used in washing powder, salt, seeds , milk powder and other powder, granular packaging machine is the first choice for major companies.Equipment basically consists of the double inclined conveyor, high speed conveyor, counting machine, woven bag automatic packaging machines, sewing machine, end product conveyor.Production process:sackets ---horizontal conveyor---Double slope conveyor --- high speed conveyor ---bag counting machine ---automatic bag feeding machine---auto sewing machine—end woven bag putoutAdvantages:1. This packing unit can realize auto bag feeding,bag opening,counting,filling,moving output,auto sewing, the whole packing process is fully automatic .;2. The touch screen control unit, operation specifications change, maintenance are very convenient, safe and reliable.3. Can be arranged to achieve a variety of forms to meet different needs of customers.Main technical parameters:1 Packaging range:1kg~3kgsachet products;2. Packaging Materials: paper bag,woven bag (lined with PP/PE film)3. Packing speed:6-14 woven bags / min,( 40-85 pouches / min)(speed slightly changed ording to different products)4. Ranking form:single silo baiting,single row laying5. Compressed air: 0.5 ~ 0.7MPa, gas0.8 m3/min;6. Power Supply: 6Kw 380V±10% 50Hz.