
广东-东莞 发布日期 2022-01-01
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各种相关设备配件的加工与定制,欢迎来图来电生产。东莞市精虹翔自动化机械设备有限公司(原东莞市金航祥机械厂),是一家集科研、开发、制造、销售为一体的焊接成型及相关自动化设备公司。2001年到今,公司一直秉承“立足于生产一线,满足于用户需要”的生产理念,以实践经验和科学技术紧密结合,顺应市场的千变万化,全心全力致力于铁艺、钣金、电器、开关、家私、灯饰、箱包、宠物笼、置物架、汽车等行业的焊接设备,成型设备的工艺技术开发,应用,以及相关成套工程设计制造,以求各方面均获得稳步持续发展,将产品的利益留给每一位客户及合作伙伴,尽 大努力创造用户 可信赖的焊接成型设备供应者! Dongguan JingHongXiang automation equipment Co Ltd.  Is a company integrating scientific research, development, manufacturing and sales of welding molding and related automation equipment. 2001 to today, the company has been adhering to the "based on the production line, to meet user needs" production concept, closely integrated with practical experience and scientific technology, adapt to the market go, Be fully committed, wrought iron, sheet metal, electrical appliances, switches, furniture, lamp act the role ofing, bags, pet cage, shelf, auto industry such as welding equipment, molding equipment technology development, application, and the complete sets of engineering design and manufacturing, obtain steady sustainable development, in order to the quantity, the benefit of the product to every customer and partner, try our best to create a user's most trusted supplier of welding machine in!主要产品:电阻点焊机,中频点焊机,排焊机,龙门焊机,T型焊机,对焊机,闪光焊机,滚焊机,调直切断机,高精密电机轴切断机,打圈机,打圈冲孔机,修边机,万能成型机,全自动打塞刷毛刺一体机,CO2多轴多枪自动焊机,AR焊多轴多枪自动焊机,直线自动送料机,网片四角切角机,以及机器人应用等。Main products: electric resistance spot welding machine, intermediate frequency spot welding machine, welding machine, gantry welding machine, T type welding machine, butt welding machine, flash welder, seam welder, straightening cutting machine, high precision cutting machine motor shaft, Circle molding machine,Circle forming punching machine, trimming machine, universal machine, fully automatic brush burr all-in-one type plug, CO2 multi-axis automatic welding machine gun, AR welding multi-axis gun automatic welding machine, straight line automatic feeder, the corners of mesh Angle cutter, as well as the application of robot.本公司荣获欧盟CE认证,是一达通出口合作伙伴,在越南成立了分公司。无论是越南还是其它国家,出口无忧,可以更好的为各国友人服务!也非常欢迎世界各国友人来函来电咨询或面谈相关业务,我们将竭诚为您服务!Our company is an eu CE certified ,Is A Da Tong to  export partner and has set up a branch in Vietnam. Whether Vietnam or other countries, exports worry-free, can better serve the friends of the countries! We also welcome friends from all over the world to inquire or interview related business, we will serve you wholeheartedly!       卓越品质,真诚服务!!                             Excellent quality and sincere service  