激光打标机 半导体端泵激光打标机 激光机 激光 打标 镭雕机

广东-深圳 发布日期 2022-01-07
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设备简介和特点■激光腔:采用高性能半导体激光器,光束质量好,出光模式好,光功率稳定,寿命达20000小时。■控制电脑:采用工业控制电脑,能保证工业设备在恶劣环境里长期稳定的工作,不易死机。■控制软件:功能强大,具有图形对齐、红光预览功能。可以标记各种条码以及图形码,并具有反打功能,充分满足客户要求。优良的工作台面,能与飞行标记系统完全配套,无需更改配置。强大的研发能力,能提供数百种自动打标和送料方案,充分满足连续24小时满负荷运行。软件采用Windows界面,可兼容Coreldraw、Autocad、Photoshop等多种软件输出的文件。支持PLT、PCX、DXF、BMP等文件,直接使用可直接使用SHX、TTF、字库。支持自动编码、序列号、批号、日期、条形码及二维码的打标、软件、具有图形反打功能。结合起来使产品部件寿命大大增强,长时间运行故障率低,产品性能稳定可靠。■应用行业:金属、合金及氧化物,ABS、环氧树脂、油墨等,广泛应用于电子元器件、电工电器、珠宝首饰、眼镜、五金、汽车配件、通讯产品、塑料按键、集成电路(IC)等行业。■适用材料:适用于所有的金属材料,例如铜、钛、钢等材料,同时适用于非金属材料,如ABS、尼龙、PES、PVC、聚胺酸脂等等,在激光标记、雕刻、微加工等工业领域。Device Profile and Characteristics■ laser cavity:High-performance semiconductor lasers, beam quality, a good light pattern, optical power stability, life expectancy of 20,000 hours.■ Control Computer:Use of industrial control computers, industrial equipment can guarantee long-term stability in the harsh environment of the work, not easy to crash.■ Control Software:Powerful, with a graphical alignment, red preview.Can mark a variety of bar codes and graphics codes, and has anti-play capabilities, and fully meet customer requirements.Excellent work surface, complete with flying marking system support, without changing the configuration.Strong R & D capability, can provide hundreds of automatic marking and feeding programs, and fully meet the full load for 24 hours.Software using Windows interface, compatible with Coreldraw, Autocad, Photoshop and other software output files.Support PLT, PCX, DXF, BMP and other files directly using the direct use of SHX, TTF, fonts.Support automatic code, serial number, batch number, date, two-dimensional bar code and code marking, software, anti-fighting capabilities with graphics.Together greatly enhance the life of the product components, long-running low failure rate, stable and reliable product performance.■ Application industries: metals, alloys and oxides, ABS, epoxy resin, ink, etc.Widely used in electronic components, electrical appliances, jewelry, glasses, hardware, steamCar accessories, communication products, plastic buttons, integrated circuits (IC) industry.■ Application materials: for all the metal materials, such as copper, titanium, steel and other materials,Also applies to non-metallic materials, such as ABS, Nylon, PES, PVC, polyethylene resin acid, etc., in the laser marking, engraving, micro machining and other industrial fields.