
广东-东莞 发布日期 2022-01-17
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北一电子专业销售:er2220是阻燃,热传导,两个基于环氧封装化合物科技。designed for increasing demands to meet高效热耗散的角度,把er2220 of热加工with an增强热传导性质When compared to traditional密封剂。Combined with阻燃达到UL94 V-0级,er2220 provides the Ultimate in一个广阔的阵列for protection and Performance of applications,including those in the LED快速扩张工业。•特殊热性质;热耗散在LED应用的理想.•允许容易流特性好;应用•不包含磨料的机械磨损,我们持低试剂分装;•满足UL94 V-0阻燃high level of approval;符合ROHS鉴定(2/65/欧盟2011年):是的UL认证符合UL94 V-0:典型的性能材料:环氧基液性能Part A -树脂密度(克/毫升)2.38B部分hardener密度0.93(克/毫升)粘度(A S 55000 75 MPa)B部分(75 25 MPa的粘度)混合体系的粘度(S 75 MPa)15000混合比例(重量):1 20.81混合比(体积):1 1Life(75)120分钟可用3小时的凝胶时间(75)治愈时间(23°C)24小时治愈时间4小时(60°C)治愈时间1小时(100°C)彩色部分灰色树脂B部分hardener黑颜色干式贮存条件条件:30°C + 15 + above,below货架期24个月(12个月(散装)树脂包)放热(我们100ml样品测量缸直径49.4mm of”;23)<95收缩1%page 2影响系统:热性质(W / m.k 1.54)烟密度(克/毫升)2.22温度范围(°C)to + 130~40最大温度范围(short term(°C)/ 30分钟)(application and几何依赖)+ 150介电强度(10千伏/毫米)(体积电阻率1015欧姆-厘米)肖氏硬度D90灰色的颜色(混合系统)符合UL94 V-0阻燃拉伸强度(MPa)60抗压强度(MPa)120偏转温度(°C)60膨胀系数(PPM / of 30°C)损失正切@ 50 Hz 0permittivity 50赫兹6”比较跟踪指数≥850伏水吸收(9.7mm 51mm厚圆盘,直径)10 20 1小时/天@ @ 212度<0.5%或1%休息的0.4%伸长混合程序树脂包当在树脂中的树脂包hardener are,and the Mixed by the contents and moving去除夹在“Inside the thoroughly混合包。both to remove the夹,拆卸端盖,握each end of the包和轻轻拉开。by using the删除剪辑,take care to push特种材料unmixed from theof the包角。混合通常不到四分钟from two depending on the skill of the operator andthe size of the包。树脂和hardener are both the evacuated prior to the system is ready for包装使用。immediately after混合。Cut the corner may be so that from the Pack it may be used as a简单机。1 2 3 4 5 6page 3散装混合当混合,must be taken care to avoid the introduction of excessive amounts of Air。自动混合设备which will not only is available and both the树脂混合比的精确hardener but do in the correctthis without Introducing空气。集装箱of Part A(树脂)and Part B(保持密封hardener)should be at all时报当not in to prevent the use of moisture防护等级。must be thoroughly before散装材料混合使用。不完全混合erratic will result in or partial固化。一般minimised树脂沉积of the attention to has been careful by the formulation)。然而,任何沉积物which may have occurred长over periods of time must be from the在拆卸任何材料的分散度集装箱。This can be carried out散射(如果需要)by stirring刃地spatula or with a broad可以滚动。介绍了not to take care of air during this amounts过度操作或It may be重新evacuate the necessary to树脂。通过将存储在加速沉积温度高。树脂沉积found in forms包不是重新混合since the sediment is when the Pack is used。额外的信息热粘度:粘度can be used to reduce the flow of the Aid to during the potting树脂的过程。清洁:It is far for机器更容易清洗和集装箱to be allowed has been before the树脂to治愈。electrolube RRS是合适的容器清洗机器和烤烟and for树脂softened slowly and may be removed by浸泡在接纳我们。热固化治疗量大:do not immediately。allow to Room temperature and at these凝胶治愈后如果要在高温(refer to for details(液)。小(1卷)may be immediately热的影响。储存:储存条件下个很冷的时候,可以crystallise hardener。如果这发生,简单地温暖的容器(40°C),直到所有的晶体都重新熔。健康与安全:refer to the Health & Safety总是在使用数据表。These can be .