合金烘缸 铜镍烘缸 镀?烘缸 维修烘缸 大型压榨铁棍 定做烘缸

辽宁-丹东 发布日期 2022-01-17
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丹东新盛造纸机械有限公司坐落于我国最美的边境城市辽宁省丹东市。这里的气候宜人,风景秀丽。与朝鲜人民民主主义共和国隔江相望。优越的地理位置及迅猛发展的城市工业形势,为我公司带来了可喜的发展前景。公司紧邻丹大公路,距大东港10公里,距丹东机场10公里,海、陆、空运十你分便捷。Dandong Xin Sheng PaperMachineryCo.,Ltd.isthe most beautifulfrontier citywhich islocated inDandong city, Liaoning province.The Democratic People's Republicof Koreaand we areseparated bytheYaluRiver.The advantageous locationand the rapid development urban industrial situation, has brought good prospects for development to us. The company isnext tothe Danda high way,10 km away fromDadongPort, and 10km to Dandong Airport. The sea, land and air transport are very convenient.我公司主要生产制造造纸机械用烘缸和各种铁辊等。最大烘缸直径可达3680mm、幅宽可达8000mm铁辊直径400-1500mm。大直径、大幅宽、高车速的烘缸为各种造纸机提供了可靠的技术保证。We mainly producethedrying cylinderusing for the paper making machinery and all kinds ofiron roller. TheMax diameter of thedrying cylinderis3680mm, 8000mm width and the rail diameter is 400-1500mm. TheMaxdiameter,Max width and the high speed dryer provide a reliable guarantee for All kinds of paper machines.公司有经验丰富的专业技术人员,有一批多年从事造纸机械专业的技术工人。我们具有先进的大型专业设备、先进的检验仪器、各种精确地量具、良好的动平衡试验机、拉力试验机、一流的化学实验设备、完善的检测手段。为我们的产品质量奠定了基础。We employ the technicians who haverich production experience. And we also have agroup oftechnicalworkers who engaged in papermaking machinery many years.We haveadvanced large professional equipments,inspection equipments, all kinds of precise measuring tools, gooddynamic balancing machine, tensile testing machine, topchemical examination equipment, andperfect test methods.Theyprovide the foundation forquality of products.大型立式数控车床Large CNC lathe大型卧式车床Large horizontal lathe数控立式车床CNC Vertical Lathe机加车间宽敞明亮,装配有大型车、铣、刨、磨、钻等机床,并配有最大起重能力为吨的桥式吊车。使企业生产能力达到设计标准,能够加工工件最大直径为4000mm,最长工件为12000mm,最重的工件可达40吨,最大的动平衡能力为50吨,产品的加工质量均能够达到客户的要求。能够满足国内外造纸厂和造纸机械厂生产需要。The machining shops arespacious and brightand equipped with large lathe, milling lathe, planning machine, grinding lathe, drilling lathe and so on. There are also overhead cranewhose maximum lifting capacityiston. All of these make our production capacity meet the design standards for the enterprise. Wecan machine parts whose maximum diameter is 4000mm, length is 12000mm ,weightis 40 tons, dynamic balance ability is 50 tons. The quality of our product is able to meet customer requirements. We can also satisfy the needs of abroad and domestic paper making plantand paper making machinery plant.特有的各种烘缸、铝型、工装模具能保证铸件外观标准尺寸及规格形状。All kinds of specialdrying cylinder, aluminum, tooling can ensure outside standard size andsizeshapefor the castings.铸造车间:设备能力及熔炼吨位可达200吨/工作日,铸造工艺采用热风冲天炉熔炼,且有型砂处理能力为20 T/h的树脂砂造型生产线一条。在配有国内先进的炉前快速分析检测仪器的同时,更高程度地保证了产品的内外部质量。车间内配备了起吊高度12米、最大起重量50吨的桥式起重机并建有最深达12米的地坑数个及其它辅助生产设施。The equipment capacity and smelting tonnage of casting workshop could reach 200 tons/days, casting process is hot melting, and we have resin sand modeling product line which cupola sand processing capacity is 20 T/h. In equipped with advanced domestic analyzes testing instrument, we can guarantee the products higher degree of internal and external quality. The workshop is equipped withbridge cranewhich lifting height is 12 meters, maximum lifting weight is 50 tons Also we built several deepest of 12 meters pits and other ancillary production facilities.烘缸产品的设计和生产及检验标准:Design ofdrying cylinderproduct and production and inspection standards:1、烘缸设计执行标准:能够达到美国国家标准(ANSI)、欧洲标准(EN)、德国标准(DIN)、法国标准(NF)、英国标准(BS)、日本工业标准(JIS)、俄罗斯标准(POCT)、及中国国家标准(GB)等各国国家标准。1.Drying cylinderdesign standards: can achieve the American national standards (ANSI), European standards (EN), Germany standard (DIN), France standard (NF), Britain standard (BS), Japan industrial standard (JIS), Russia standard (POCT), China national standard (GB) and some other countries’ standards.2、烘缸制造、试验和验收执行标准:欧洲《PED 97/23 CE欧盟的压力设备标准》和美国材料与测试协会标准(ASTM)标准等各国相关标准。2.Drying cylindermanufacturing, testing and acceptance standards: Europe《PED 97/23 CE of European Union pressure equipment standard》andASTMstandardsand some other relation standards.3、烘缸的监督检查部门和标准:由第三方SGS或其它国际公认的权威部门按双方合同规定的标准进行监督检查。3.Drying cylindersupervision and inspection departments and standard: supervised and inspected by a third party or other international SGS recognized authorities according to the standard stipulated in the contract.我公司生产的压辊最大的线压力为300Kg/cm直径为400mm-1500mm,辊面宽最长可达8000mm,成品辊最重三十吨。We can produce the pressing roll whose maximum line pressure is 300Kg / cm diameter is 400mm - 1500mm, the longest wide of roller surface is 8000mm and themaximum Weight is thirty tons.树脂砂烘缸是我公司的主导产品,采用引进国内外最先进的树脂砂烘缸生产工艺生产的高强、高压、高速的造纸机烘缸,目前生产的树脂砂烘缸最大工作压力为0.8Mpa,直径为1500mm、1800 mm、2500mm,缸面宽最长近8000mm,成品烘缸最重近二十吨,可为大型纸厂提供优质产品。Resin sanddryingcylinderis our company's leading products.The high strength, high pressure and high speedpaper Machine Dryerare produced by importing the most advanced resin sanddrying cylinder. Currently the Max. Working pressure for resin sanddrying cylinderthat we can produceis 0.8 Mpa,and the diameter can be 1500mm 1800 mm or 2500mm, the longest crock wide is 8000mm.Themaximumweightof finisheddrying cylindercan reach about twenty tons. So we can provide high quality products for large mills.各种抛丸机为烘缸、缸盖、人孔盖、铸件进行表面处理。All sorts of aerators can make surface treatment fordryingcylinders, cylinder covers, manhole covers and castings.树脂砂铸件是我公司的主要产品。我公司铸造生产能力强大,设备先进,可生产制造各种大中小型树脂砂铸件,其铸件材质可以达到灰铸铁HT200-300和球铁QT400-600。The resin sand castings are our main products. We are of strong ability in casting production and have advanced equipment. So we can manufacture various large sized resin sand castings which casting material can achieve grey iron HT200 -300 and ball iron QT400- 600.烘缸产品的设计和生产及检验标准:Design ofdrying cylinderproduct and production and inspection standards:1、烘缸设计执行标准:Dryer design performance standardsQB/T2556-2002《造纸机械用铸铁烘缸设计规定》QB/T2556-2002《paper machinery with cast irondrying cylinderdesign requirement》2、烘缸制造、试验和验收招待标准:2.Drying cylinderproduction, test and inspection standard:QB/T2551-2002《造纸机械用铸铁烘缸技术条件》QB/T2551-2002《paper machinery with cast irondrying cylindertechnical specifications》3、烘缸产品的监督检查部门和标准:由地、市级压力容器监督检验部门根据国家质量技术监督局颁发的《压力容器安全技术监察规程》进行监督检查。3.Inspection departmentand standard of thedrying cylinder: the pressurevesselsupervisory and inspection department oflocal and citylevel conduct supervision and inspection according to national quality technology supervision bureau issued《safety-supervisionregulationofpressurevessel》