
广东-惠州 发布日期 2022-01-18
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材质:13凯夫拉手套芯,手掌浸灰色PU,手背加防撞胶。规格:细节图:产品描述:13针无缝凯夫拉针织手套手掌部位涂有PU涂层,具有优异耐磨性,触感佳,灵活性及灵巧性俱佳。灰色PU涂层,透气性佳,散热性好, 在微油和干燥环境下都有很好的抓握能力。不含硅,避免污染。功能:具有极好的弹性,特别柔韧,有一定的抗磨损、抗撕裂和抗割性能。用途:对精密作业抓附效果好,轻便灵巧,触感灵敏。保存说明:请储存于干燥阴凉处, 避免阳光直射。使用限制:请勿接近火源。请勿在低于-25ºC 或高于60ºC 的环境中使用。不适用于抗重型机械性危害。此款手套不适宜接触化学品。此款手套不防水。Instructions for use使 用 说 明 书WIZI glove general purpose glove&sleeves本说明书适用于为治公司手套及手袖1. Use/用途These glove,sleeves are designed to protect the hands and forearms against mainly mechanical risks.They are in conformity with,and are marked per the requirements,of the European Directive 89/686/EEC and its amendments.They also comply with applicable Eurpean Standards.Please ensure the gloves/sleeves are used only for the designated purpose.这些手套、手袖是专业保护劳动者在作业时手和前臂可能会带来的机械危害。他们均符合欧洲89/686 / EEC标准。请确保这些手套/袖子仅适用于指定的使用范围内。2.For more detailed information on the product’s performance and to obtain a copy of the Conformity Declaration,please consult Superior Glove Works Ltd.更多详情可在实际使用中可见。如有任何问题,请及时与为治公司联系。3.Precautions for use/使用注意事项:3.1 NEVER USE THESE GLOVE/SLEEVES WITH CHEMICALS.The gloves/sleeves should not be used for protection against serrated blades nor to protect against flames.请勿与化学品直接接触。本系列产品不适用于抗锯齿刀片的切割,也不适用于防火燃烧保护。3.2 They should not be used when there is a risk of entanglement with moving machine parts.避免接触运作中的机器,以免造成伤害。3.3 Before usage,inspect the gloves or sleeves for any defects or imperfections.请在使用前,检查手套或手袖任何损坏或瑕疵。3.4 Avoid wearing damaged,dirty or worn out gloves/sleeves.The gloves should not come into contact with a naked flame.为了避免穿戴时易损坏、弄脏或破损。该产品应远离火源。4. Ingredients/Hazardous in gredients/成分与有害物质:Some gloves might contain ingredients which are known to be a possible cause of allergies in sensitised persons,who may develop irritant and/or allergic reactions.If allergic reactions should occur,obtain medical advice immediately.部分手套含有的已知成分可能会引发过敏或不适,可能产生对人体皮肤产生刺激或过敏反应。如果一旦发生过敏反应,应听取医生的意见或建议。5. For more information,please contactWIZI Glove Works Ltd.想了解更详情的信息,请联系我们为治公司。6. Care instructions/保养说明Storage/储存方法:Keep away from direct sunlight,store in a cool dry place.避免阳光直射,应置于阴暗处妥善保管。Keep away from ozone sources or naked flame.避免通风或明火直接接触。Cleaning/清洁:The gloves/sleeves can be laundered at 40 to 60℃max.However,the customer or launderer is responsible for the performance of the gloves after laundering.Superior Glove Works Ltd. cannot be held liable for this.手套/手袖最大限度控制在40到60℃进行清洗处理。若客户不遵循规定范围内对手套进行处理。本公司仍保留最终解释权。Disposal/处理方法:Used glove/sleeves may be contaminated with infectious or other hazardous materials.Dispose of according to Local Authority Regulations.Landfill or incinerate under controlled conditions.手套和手袖的使用者可能带有某种传染疾病。具体根据当地权威部门的处理规定,在受控条件下进行填埋或焚烧处理。