加工空调加湿器外壳模具塑料家电外壳模具车间 出口品质 务实团队

浙江-台州 发布日期 2022-01-22
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加工空调加湿器外壳模具塑料家电外壳模具车间 出口品质 务实团队 :What We Are ? Zhejiang Huangyan Mic Plastic Mould Factory supplied goodAuto Parts Mould, Crate Mould, Dustbin Mould,Plastic Chair Mould, Daily Used Commodity Mould, Blow Mouldand other moulds since 1996. 85% sales derived from Export, Us, Canada, Australia, UK, Brazil, India, Russia, Mexico, Germany,Swiss, Holland, etc. More than 100 employees, 12 own designers, 6 sales managers, 4 Senior Mould technicians, more than 400sets of moulds produced per year. In 2006 our young CEO invited Professor Bian to give our sales team extrodinary marketing training,since then 4 teams had been well trained by Mr. Bian and they worked very well in the area of PlasticMould sales.What We Do ? Mic Plastic Mould factory manufactures and exports plastic injection moulds and blowing moulds(OEMand ODM). We cooperate with plastic prodcuts factories, trading companies, designing companies, bigsupermarkets etc. We make the moulds according to your samples or by your designs(2d, 3d files). And wehave injection machines from 200 tons to 1000 tons, meanwhile we can make prodcuts according to yourmoulds made by us. Mic Moulds, Micro detail is the key of Success. 浙江黄岩米克塑料模具厂是一家成熟的塑料模具制造厂家,公司从事多年国内外模具销售,在同行业中以其独到的视角,追逐精益求精的品质,享誉国内外。公司以“生意无大小,进门都是客”的原则,不断创新思想,稳抓稳打,以留住客户为第一原则。不做虚无缥缈的承诺,不以生意的大小判断客户。一直深受客户的支持与爱戴。 自1996年以来,公司的规模在稳步增进,客户不断积累,优质的塑料周转箱模具,塑料椅子模具,塑料日用品模具,塑料汽车配件模具已远销:美国、加拿大、日本、澳大利亚、德国、新西兰、瑞士、巴西、墨西哥、智利等40多个国家和地区。年销售额85%以上来自于外销。 公司拥有设计人员12名,销售团队6个,中高级模具技术主管4名,员工近百。模具设计采用先进的Proe,Solidworks, CAD, UG等软件,无论是来样加工,来图加工,自主研发,我们都将以饱满的热情为您服务。您给的是一个理念,我们还您的是一个产品! 生意无大小,上门都是客。热忱欢迎新老客户光临洽谈。我们的优势:1.价格。不是最大的厂,不是最贵的货,是最有服务意识的团队!2.快速。从洽谈到制作均有专人负责,业务熟练、懂行。(中英文熟练)3.诚信。不口头承诺,本分生意。4.质量。货真价实,从原料开始。加工空调加湿器外壳模具塑料家电外壳模具车间 出口品质 务实团队:模具材料:C45,S50,P20,718,H13,S136产品材料:PP/PE/PS/PC/ABS/POM/PA66/AS/PMMA/PET模具寿命:50-100万次模具尺寸:见样品模具重量:见样品模具流道:冷流道成型周期:40-60秒模具价格:见样品模具报价:来电,来图,来样模具供应商:浙江黄岩米克塑料模具厂模具生产厂家:黄岩米克模具模具图片:见上浙江模具:黄岩米克专业生产模具:Mic Mould模具品牌:黄岩米克任何疑问请咨询:张震13968672212QQ:578368455生意无大小,上门都是客。热忱欢迎新老客户光临洽谈。低价开模,低价生产产品,我公司自制塑料原料,能为您节省打产品的成本。来电咨询。