厂家直销 宏瑞祥SW-10D光纤激光打标机代替50W半导体激光打标机

浙江-宁波 发布日期 2022-01-29
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光钎激光打标机系列: 适应材料及应用行业applications广泛应用于对深度、光滑度、精细度要求高的领域,手机制造行业、电子、汽车行业、医 疗器械、钏表、五金、珠宝、卫浴洁具、模具行业,位图打标等 widely used in the depth,smoothness,finesse higher areas,the mobile phone manufacturing industry electronics,automotive industry,medical equipment,watches,hardware,jewelries, sanitary wares,mold industry,bitmap marking,etc产品介绍:工作原理及特点:working principle and characteristics 光纤打标机由我公司运用现今世界上最为先进的激光技术研制而成的新一代激光打标机系统.采用光纤 激光器输出激光,再经高速数字扫描振镜系统实现打标功能.光纤激光打标机电光转换效率高,采用风冷方式 冷却,整机体积小巧,输出光束质量好,可靠性高,超长的运行寿命,节能;可雕刻金属材料和部分非金属材料, 主要是应用于对深度、光洁度、精细度要求较高的领域,如手机不锈钢片、钟表、模具、IC、手机按键等行业, 位图打标,可在金属、塑料等表面标刻出精美的图片。 optical fiber laser marking machine is the rhird generation laser marking machine system which our company developed on the basis of the moust advanced laser technology in the world.the machine uses fiber laser to output laser and realizs the markinhg machine with ultrafast optical scanner system.the machine has high electro-optical efficiency and long running life,and adopts the air cooled mode to cool down theoverall volume of the machine is small,and the output beam is in high quality.thus the machine is reliable and environment-friendly and can be used to carve metal materials and somenon-metallic materials .this machine is mainly used in fields that have high demand on depth,smoothness andfineness,such as the decorative stainlesssteel sheets on mobile phone ,clocks,models,ic,keypads.thismachine can be applied to marking bitmap and engraving delicate pictureson the surface of metal andplastic materials.产品特点 features1 激光功率输出稳定、光束质量非常好,标 刻速度快,是传统机型的2-5倍。耗电量为传 统机型的5%-10%(整机耗电功率约 (400W)2 操作方便,光路全封闭,稳定可靠、免维护。超长寿命,达100000小时以上。3 机型小巧,采用风冷方式冷却,可制作成 便携式打标机。也可用于配合生产流水线及自 动化生产线的设备。、4 软件采用WINDOWS界面,可兼容AUTOCAD CORELDRAW,PHOTOSHOP, Adobe illustratov 等多种软件的输出文件,软件功能强大。5 超高精细度,分辨率达到2540dpi,可在金属、 塑料等表面标刻出精美的图片6 克服了高反材料损伤激光器的弱点,对所有 金属都能标刻.1 aser power output stability,beam quality is very good,the mkarking speed is 2-5times than that of comvertional modes the power consumption is5%-10%of the traditional models(whole consumption power is about 400w)2 easy operation,gthe optical path is completely closed,stable and reliable,maintenance-free.long lifetime,up to more than100,000hours3 compact models and cooled by air cooling way,it can also be made into a portable. can also be used in conjunction with the production lines and automated production line epuipment4it adopts windows interface which is compatible with various output software like AUTOCAD, CORELDRAW, PHOTOSHOP, Adobe Liiustratov and thus enjouing mighty software function5 Ultra-high finesse,resolution can reach2540dpi,thismachine can be applied to marking bitmap and engraving delicate pictureson the surface of metal andplastic materials.6 it has overcome the weakness of the high anti-material damagelaser engraved.everything can be marked on all metals 技术参数Technical parameters 机型HRXYLP-5HRX YLP-10HRX YLP-20HRXYLP-30HRX YLP-50HRX STM-20功率5W10W20W30W50W20W激光波长1060nm重复频率0-100KHZ光束质量<2<3<5雕刻线速≤7000mm/s最小线宽0.01mm最小字符0.15mm重复精度±0.002供电电源单相交流90-260V/50Hz-60Hz整机耗电500W1000W雕刻深度≤0.3mm≤0.5mm≤1.0mm操作系统Win98/Win2000/WinXP冷却方式内置风冷控制接口标准USB打标范围30mm/30mm-300mm/300mm文件格式WINDOWS操作系统字库的所有字体/字型“专注品质 诚信为本”。全体公司员工正以饱满的热情,不断创新进取,用行动诠释这一理念。公司设备销售部:0574-83012661 054-86504889手机:13355995758 13305794288地址:浙江省宁波市庙戴工业区庙戴路333号E-mail:hrx_laser@163.com(_为下划线)https://www.hrx-laser.cn售后与技术支持: 1.供应商负责终身维护。免费保修期壹年,自设备验收之日起计算。此期间内设备出现故障及机件损坏(人为因素及不可抗力因素除外),供方免费修复。 2.免费保修期后供方提供设备零件部件及相关的备件另收成本费。 3.供方每年进行两次回访,并随时提供技术支持与服务。 4.设备运行中出现难以解决的问题,接到报修电话后1小时内回复,24小时内到达现场。安装调试与运行: 1.货到后由供方派谴技术人员在买方的协助下负责完成设备的安装及调试至正常运行。 2.供方负责完成对用户2-3名人员进行操作、维护方面的培训。