3D打印服务 3D打印定制 3D打印机 模型模具定制手板快速成型加工

广东-深圳 发布日期 2022-05-17
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3D打印服务3D打印定制 3D打印机 模型模具定制手板快速成型加工3D打印服务3D打印定制 3D打印机 模型模具定制手板快速成型加工淘宝店:httpss://shop427994817.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.w5001-15509230569.2.ckuvzc&scene=taobao_shopShanghai Union Technology Co Ltd.Shanghai Union Technology Co Ltd, also known as Shanghai Union-tech is one of the largest and leading rapid prototyping systems providers in mainland China focused on the continual research and development of cutting edge SL machines. They currently offer multiple SL machines including the RS3500, RS4500, RS6000 and RS8000. Their main focus is on sales to service bureaus and OEMs in the region, as well as application development for rapid prototyping and tooling technology. They continue to experience year on year growth in this market and have currently sold over 100 SL machines. They have also expanded sales of equipment outside mainland China. They currently have partnerships with Somos Materials for SL resins and Materialise for software.Stereolithography materials the perfect prototyping solution for the toy market The world of toy making has come a long way since the early days of hand-carved wooden soldiers and china dolls with hand-painted faces. Now, DSM is bringing back some of this hand-crafted approach to toy manufacturing by introducing a new stereolithography material - Somos? Imagine 8000, a material that can be used to create toy prototypes one layer at a time.  Somos? Imagine 8000 offers the $85 billion dollar toy market the perfect prototyping solution. Parts made with this material are durable, accurate and have excellent resistance to water and humidity. Somos? Imagine 8000’s low viscosity makes processing and finishing simple, while leaving smooth, white finishes that are easy to paint or dye to develop colorful prototypes—ideal for play, collecting or educational purposes. Kelly Hawkinson, Global Marketing Manager Somos? Materials by DSM, says, “Somos? Imagine 8000 creates durable and accurate parts with dimensional stability that are ideal for the toy market.  The toy market is all about imagination and creativity, and we are excited to see all the new ideas and products that will be stimulated with this material — from action figures, toy trucks and building blocks to space ships and beyond.” DSM is working together with rapid prototyping and tooling company Shanghai Union Technology to offer this new product to the toy market in China. “We are excited to offer the Somos? Imagine 8000 as the toy market is a key market for us. It is very important to have a high quality, durable material that our customers can trust,” says Mr. Jason Ma, VP of Shanghai Union Technology Co Ltd. Somos? Imagine 8000 will push the imaginations of toy designers for years to come.Somos? Stereolithography Materials by DSM In the area of Additive Manufacturing, DSM is a leading innovator of high-performance Somos? materials for stereolithography—a distinct and unique subset of the additive manufacturing process. More information about these products can be found at www.dsm.com/somos. Shanghai Union Technology Co Ltd. Shanghai Union Technology Co Ltd, also known as Shanghai Union-tech is one of the largest and leading rapid prototyping systems providers in mainland China focused on the continual research and development of cutting edge SL machines.  They currently offer multiple SL machines including the RS3500, RS4500, RS6000 and RS8000.  Their main focus is on sales to service bureaus and OEMs in the region, as well as application development for rapid prototyping and tooling technology.  They continue to experience year on year growth in this market and have currently sold over 100 SL machines.  They have also expanded sales of equipment outside mainland China.  They currently have partnerships with Somos? Materials for SL resins and Materialise for software. DSM – Bright Science. Brighter Living Royal DSM is a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials. By connecting its unique competences in Life Sciences and Materials Sciences DSM is driving economic prosperity, environmental progress and social advances to create sustainable value for all stakeholders. DSM delivers innovative solutions that nourish, protect and improve performance in global markets such as food and dietary supplements, personal care, feed, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, automotive, paints, electrical and electronics, life protection, alternative energy and bio-based materials. DSM’s 23,500 employees deliver annual net sales of around €9 billion. The company is listed on NYSE Euronext. More information can be found at www.dsm.com/somos or www.dsm.com. 3D打印机的神奇之处在于,其既能打印塑料、树脂,同时还能打印金属、陶瓷等更多不为寻常的材料。当然,打印的材料不同意味着与其匹配的打印技术也就不同。那么,不同的3D打印技术之间,论其打印速度与精度,谁更胜一筹呢?今天,不妨随笔者一起做个横向评比,看看究竟花落谁家。3D打印服务3D打印定制 3D打印机 模型模具定制手板快速成型加工