
河南-南阳 发布日期 2022-05-17
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公司简介Company Profile南阳市中捷数控科技有限公司位于河南省南阳市,是南阳市发展重点工业项目的企业之一,拥有占地50000平方米,生产用地面积30000平方米的花园式现代化工厂。公司设立南阳、东莞两个生产基地,综合南北各方资源优势,集产品研发、制造及售后服务于一体,形成全方位的价值服务体系。Nanyang Zonjet CNC Technology Co Ltd, located in Nanyang City, Henan Province, is one of the most important industrial projects in Nanyang. It is a garden style modern factory, covering an area of 5,000 square meters, including 3,000 square meters for productive land. There are 2 production bases in Nanyang, Henan and Dongguan, Guangdong. Integrating product development, manufacturing, customer service and all the resources, there is a core value system of full rage of service in Zonjet. 中捷数控专注于数控深孔钻领域,自成立以来一直保持高速发展,“ZONJET”已成为业界颇具影响力的品牌。产品的设计与定位以客户需求为导向,在功能和规格上可满足不同规模和领域的用户需求,并可实行个性化定制,力求给用户创造最高的经济效益。Zonjet CNC Technology Co Ltd, focusing on area of CNC deep-hole drilling, has been developing in a high speed since established, and Zonjet has become a very effective brand name in the industry. Taking the need of customers as direction for product design and positioning, the function and specification of our products meets the demands of all users in different areas. Customizing products also creates the highest economic benefits for users.  主营产品有:三数控深孔钻,六轴钻铣中心,轴类深孔钻以及其他特种行业专用深孔钻;经过多年的研发改进,推陈出新,产品在加工精度、机床稳定性、人性化设计等技术性能方面均处行业领先水平。Main products: three-axis CNC deep-hole drilling machine tool, six-axis drilling and milling center, shaft deep-hole drilling machine tool and other deep-hole drilling machine tools for special industries. After years of development and improvement, Zonjet is the leading level in domestic industry for the machining precision, stability, humanized design and technical performance.经历年不懈努力,公司已取得数十项专利技术,并先后通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证、CE产品安全认证、高新技术企业评定等荣誉。为保持产品技术的领先优势,公司广纳业内优秀人才的同时,也和国内知名院校形成了良好的交流与合作关系,积极推动企业的持续发展。After many years hard work, Zonjet has got dozens of patents, the ISO9001 quality management system certification, CE certification, and evaluation of high-tech enterprise, etc. To keep the leading position in the technology and promote the sustainable development, Zonjet not only enrolls excellent staffs in the industry, but also cooperates well with domestic famous universities. 产品销售及服务网络辐射全国,全程上门提供方案咨询、培训指导、产品维修等售前售后服务。协助用户合理地选择产品,科学地使用产品,共同努力顺利推进用户的宏图伟业是我们的服务宗旨。Products sales and service network expands the whole country, offering solutions consulting, training and after sales services. Our principle of service is assisting users to choose the right products, use them rightly, and work hard together to achieve user’s great goal.南阳市中捷数控科技有限公司联系人:李先生电  话:0377-67718666手  机:13923726513Q    Q:2329198917邮  箱:400@zonjet.com网  址:WWW.ZONJET.COM地  址:河南省南阳社旗县产业聚集区南环路西段