
江苏-泰州 发布日期 2022-06-01
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船用火星熄灭消音器MARINE MARS EXTINGUISHED SILENCER 会签 Sign:靖 江 市 东 星 船 舶 设 备 厂JINGJIANGSHI DONGXINGMARINE  FITTING  WORKS 我司荣获CCS工厂型式认可证书: 根据船用火星熄灭消音器的适用范围,适用场所可以分为: 船用DS454干式火星熄灭消声器,船用VTJZ干式火星熄灭消声器DS454湿式火星熄灭器GHX1型柴油机干式火星熄灭消声器,FHX型锅炉火星熄灭器柴油机排气消声器,火星熄灭消声器应急发电机火星熄灭消声器,停泊发电机辅机火星熄灭消声器主发电机辅机火星熄灭消声器,燃油锅炉火星熄灭消声器主机干式火星熄灭消声器,辅机干式火星熄灭消声器 《靖江市东星船舶设备厂》在此为您简单介绍此款船用火星熄灭消音器: 关于船用消声器-火星熄灭器-火星熄灭消声器作用: 船用火星熄灭消音器是船舶排气系统管路的辅助设备,主要应用在船舶发电机、船舶主机以及船舶锅炉的排气管路中。船用火星熄灭消音器是船舶中发电机、主机以及燃油锅炉、消防柴油机等设备的排气管路的辅助设备,其功能是消除设备工作时排气的噪音,同时可以熄灭残留在排气管路中的火花 技  术  协  议Technical Agreement  船用消音器-船用火星熄灭消音器的主要技术参数:Main technical data  1. 燃油锅炉火星熄灭消音器OFB.Eexhaust gas silencer with spark arrester 型    号model : VTJZ-300通    径 diameter :300mm数    量quantity  :    1台/船 set/ship背    压pressure drop:  ≤1KPa噪声衰减量attenuation:  25dB法兰标准flange standard: CB/T3766提供配对法兰。provide companion flange材    质material:     碳钢 material of body is carbon steel      外包绝热层,绝热层材料为硅酸铝,再用镀锌铁皮包覆。绝热层外表面温度不得超过60℃。Outsourcing thermal barrier, thermal barrier material for aluminum silicate, again in galvanized iron leather cover. The surface temperature thermal barrier no more than 60 ℃.      2. 主发电付机火星熄灭消音器Au Eexhaust gas silencer with spark arrester 型    号model : VTJZ-150通    径 diameter :150mm数    量quantity  :3台/船 set/ship背    压pressure drop:  ≤1KPa噪声衰减量attenuation:  25dB法兰标准flange standard: CB/T3766提供配对法兰。provide companion flange材    质material:     碳钢 material of body is carbon steel外包绝热层,绝热层材料为硅酸铝,再用镀锌铁皮包覆。绝热层外表面温度不得超过60℃。Outsourcing thermal barrier, thermal barrier material for aluminum silicate, again in galvanized iron leather cover. The surface temperature thermal barrier no more than 60 ℃.  3. 停泊发电付机火星熄灭消音器Au Eexhaust gas silencer with spark arrester型    号model : VTJZ-125通    径 diameter :125mm数    量quantity  :          1台/船 set/ship背    压pressure drop:           ≤1KPa噪声衰减量attenuation:       25dB法兰标准flange standard: CB/T3766提供配对法兰。provide companion flange材    质material:     碳钢 material of body is carbon steel       外包绝热层,绝热层材料为硅酸铝,再用镀锌铁皮包覆。绝热层外表面温度不得超过60℃。Outsourcing thermal barrier, thermal barrier material for aluminum silicate, again in galvanized iron leather cover. The surface temperature thermal barrier no more than 60 ℃. 4.应急发电机火星熄灭消音器EM’CY diesel generator exhaust silencer 型    号model : VTJZ-100通    径 diameter :100mm数    量quantity  :          1台/船 set/ship背    压pressure drop:           ≤1KPa噪声衰减量attenuation:       25dB法兰标准flange standard: CB/T3766提供配对法兰。provide companion flange材    质material:     碳钢 material of body is carbon steel       外包绝热层,绝热层材料为硅酸铝,再用镀锌铁皮包覆。绝热层外表面温度不得超过60℃。Outsourcing thermal barrier, thermal barrier material for aluminum silicate, again in galvanized iron leather cover. The surface temperature thermal barrier no more than 60 ℃. 5.柴油机干式火星熄灭消声器Diesel dry Mars exhaust silencer 型    号model : VTJZ-600通    径 diameter :600mm数    量quantity  :          1台/船 set/ship背    压pressure drop:           ≤1KPa噪声衰减量attenuation:       25dB法兰标准flange standard: CB/T3766提供配对法兰。provide companion flange材    质material:     碳钢 material of body is carbon steel       外包绝热层,绝热层材料为硅酸铝,再用镀锌铁皮包覆。绝热层外表面温度不得超过60℃。Outsourcing thermal barrier, thermal barrier material for aluminum silicate, again in galvanized iron leather cover. The surface temperature thermal barrier no more than 60 ℃. 二、所有产品按CCS规范设计、制造,  提供CCS船检证书,一正两副,      All products according to the CCS standard design, manufacturing, , Provide shipping abs  certificate. CCS , One original and two copies 三、图纸及资料Drawing and Documents 1.认可图3 套/船       Approval Drawing       3 sets/ship2.工作图  3 套/船        Working Drawing       3 sets/ship3.完工图 3 套/船       Final Drawing        3sets/ship 四、备品备件及工具. Spare parts and tools按CCS规范要求和制造厂标准.Spare parts, tools and accessories should supply in according to the requirements of CCS or CCS  rules and the works standard. 四、质保期 Guarantee period 在甲方交船后一年内,若因为乙方设计不合理和制造质量不好所造成的问题,乙方负责免费修理。The guarantee period shall be 12 months after Part A deliver the vessel, during the guarantee period, if any problem arises due to the reason of design and manufacturing quality, Part B shall be responsible for repairing free of charge. 五、本协议为合同附件,随合同同时生效。 The technical agreement is as the attachment of contract, and become effective after business contract signing. 六、未尽事宜,双方友好协商解决。 The other things not mentioned above should be solved by either part through friendly negotiation. 