大治都鑫 供应都鑫 还原铁粉 还原铁粉是利用固体或气体还原剂还原铁的氧化物来制取海绵状的铁

湖北-黄石 发布日期 2022-08-10
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还原铁粉是利用固体或气体还原剂还原铁的氧化物来制取海绵状的铁。还原过程中分为一次还原和二次还原。一次还原就是固体碳还原制取海绵铁,一次还原主要流程是:铁精矿→烘干→磁选→粉碎→筛分→装罐→进入一次还原炉→海绵铁。二次精还原流程:海绵铁→清刷→破碎→磁选→二次还原炉→粉块→解碎→磁选→筛分→分级→混料→包装→成品。用还原法所生产的优质铁粉,各项参数达标,Fe≥98%,C≤0.01%,磷和硫都小于0.03%,氢损为0.1~0.2%。我公司是采用轧钢优质铁鳞经二次氢气还原制成海绵状优质铁粉,技术指标达到国家标准规定。具有以下特点:高纯度、低夹杂、一致性好、细粉含量高、压缩性和成型性好。在摩擦行业中:一次还原铁粉主要用于半金属摩擦材料中和钢钎维一起构成其中的金属部分;二次还原铁粉可使摩擦系数平稳,相对于一次还原铁粉,它是少孔结构有利于半金属摩擦材料代钢纤维主要组成部分,减少纤维用量。提高摩擦材料的制品性能。Reduced iron powderThrough reductant iron utilization of solid or gas to produce sponge iron oxide. The first reduction and the second reduction take the part of the reduction process. The reduction of producing sponge iron is solid carbon reduction, its main process is: the iron concentrate, drying, magnetic separation, crushing, sieving, canning, into a reduction furnace, sponge iron. The second reduction process: sponge iron, cleaning, crushing, magnetic separation, the two reduction furnace, powder and solution of fragmentation, separation, screening, classification, mixing, packaging and finished product. Using high quality iron powder reduction method in the production of various parameters, standard, Fe ≥ 98%,C≤ 0.01%, phosphorus and sulfur both less than 0.03%, hydrogen loss ranged from 0.1 to 0.2%.Our company is using high quality steel iron scale through two hydrogen reduction into cavernous quality iron powder, technical indicators have reached the national standard. characteristics following :High purity, low inclusion, good consistency, high content of fine powder, compression and molding.In friction industry:The reduced iron powder is mainly used in semi-metallic friction material and steel fiber together constitute one of the metal parts;The second reduced iron powder can make smooth friction coefficient, relative to a reduced iron powder, it is less porous structure facilitates the semi-metallic friction material steel fiber main part, improve product performance of friction materials.产品技术指标 Technical Indices项目Item单位Unit检测结果Test   Result比重Densityg/cm35.0-5.8固定铁Fixed Fe%85/95盐酸可溶物Hydrochloric Acid Soluble%0.5/0.3粒度Sizemesh80 & 100