供应离子棒水处理器 离子棒水杀菌器 水杀菌消毒器

浙江-杭州 发布日期 2023-03-16
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供应离子棒水处理器 离子棒水杀菌器 水杀菌消毒器  一、 概述Outline       用离子棒水处理技术对用水系统进行除垢防垢处理,是当今国际上的水处理技术,在国外已广泛使用。目前国内著名企业:宝钢、上海石化、长岭炼油厂、湖南广播电视中心、上海船舶大厦等许多地方也先后在工业循环用水、中央空调、热水锅炉等中均使用离子棒进行用水系统的水处理,取得非常满意的效果。Carries on with the ion good water treatment technology to the water used system removes dirty stuff anti-scaling processing,Is now internationally the most advanced water treatment technology,In overseas has widely used。At present domestic famous enterprise:Baoshan Iron and Steel, Shanghai Petrochemicals, Changling refinery,Hunan Radio and Television Center, Shanghai Ship Building, and many other places in the industrial water recycling,Central air conditioning, Hot water boilerand so on  uses the ion stick to carry on the water used systems water treatment, Makes the very satisfactory progress.      HG型离子棒水处理器是我公司在引进吸收当今国际的水处理技术基础上,研制开发的具有防垢、除垢、杀菌、灭藻、缓蚀功能,并无污染源的环保型高新技术产品,该产品使用效果显著,结构精巧,安装极为方便,性能稳定,使用寿命长,是取代在用水系统中传统的化学水处理方法和钠离子交换器等新型换代产品。HGmodel ion stick water treatment meter isour company in the introduction absorption now internationally in the most advanced water treatment technology base,The development has the anti-scaling,To remove dirty stuff,The sterilization,To extinguish the algae,The inhibition function, And the non-source of pollutions environmental protection high-tech product,This product use effect is remarkable,The structure is exquisite,The installment great convenience,The stable property,The service life is long,Is the substitution in the water used system the traditional chemistry water treatment method and the sodium ion converter and so on new update product. 供应离子棒水处理器 离子棒水杀菌器 水杀菌消毒器  二、 功能Function ● 防垢  Anti-scaling● 除垢  Removing dirty stuff● 杀菌  Sterilization● 灭藻  Extinguishes the algae● 缓蚀  Inhibition 供应离子棒水处理器 离子棒水杀菌器 水杀菌消毒器  三、 应用范围及特点     Application scope and characteristic       应用范围:Application scope: ● 工业循环水系统       Industrial cycle aqueous system● 中央空调冷却         Central air conditioning cooling● 冷媒水系统           Cold intermediary aqueous system● 热交换系统           Heat-exchange system● 热水锅炉系统         Hot water boiler system● 游泳池系统           Swimming pool system    产品特点Product characteristic ● 环保节能型产品,毫不污染环境。Energy - saving environmentally friendly products do not pollute the environment.● 除垢,防垢,杀菌和防腐蚀,效果显著,适用水质广。Removes dirty stuff, The anti-scaling, The sterilization and the corrosion preventing, The effect is remarkable, Is suitable the water quality to be broad● 性能稳定,管理方便,便于清洗,使用寿命长。       The stable property, Manages conveniently, Is advantageous for the clean, The service life is long● 节约能源,使用安全,运行费用极低。Saves the energy, The use security, The operating cost is extremely low.● 使用形式灵活,可单独使用,又可多根并联加强使用。The use form is flexible, but independent employment, may also many strengthen the use parallel● 安装简单,新设备安装、旧设备改造安装均极方便。Installs simply, The new equipment setup, The old equipment transforms the installment extremely to be convenient