PUR热熔胶复合机 皮革复合机 冲锋衣面料复合机 厂家价格 SD-H2000门幅定制 江苏圣顿

江苏-盐城 发布日期 2023-06-25
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PUR热熔胶复合机 皮革复合机 冲锋衣面料复合机 厂家价格 SD-H2000门幅定制 江苏圣顿PUR热熔胶复合机,海绵复合机,3D墙砖复合机用途:适用于纺织品、无纺制品、TPU、PE、PTFE、无纺布、人造皮的贴合。汽车行业:汽车顶棚装饰、门柱、汽车门板面料层贴合;服装行业:户外运动、野外迷彩服、服装、卫生类服装、内衣、保暖衣、防寒服等功能服装。卫生:服装、防护服等;过滤材料:PTPE、PE薄膜处理,用于污水及空气过滤等;制鞋行业:鞋材面料、鞋垫。特点:1、所用PUR热熔胶不含溶剂,是理想的绿色环保胶水,无需烘干,复合速度快;2、制品无残存溶剂,生产无污染排放问题,节省能源,占地面积小;3、复合的过程湿固反应,不可逆,粘合牢固耐水洗牢度好;4、粘性强,用胶量省,节省成本;5、复合过程全联动控制,基材无拉伸,质轻柔软,手感好;6、热源为油热,加热快,热量均匀;7、熔胶系统独立出来,熔胶充分速度快;8、点状网纹上胶,成品透气度好,立体感强;9、机台人性化设计,节省操作人员;Usage:Suitable for the bonding of textiles, non-woven products, TPU, PE, PTFE, non-woven fabrics and artificial leather. Automobile industry: car roof decoration, door post, car door panel fabric layer bonding; clothing industry: outdoor sports, wild military camouflage clothing, fire and police clothing, medical and health clothing, underwear, warm clothing, winter clothes and other functional clothing . Medical and health: medical clothing, protective clothing, etc.; filter materials: PTPE, PE film treatment, used for sewage and air filtration; footwear industry: shoe fabrics, insoles.Features:1. The PUR hot melt adhesive used does not contain solvent. It is an ideal green environmentally friendly glue. It does not need to be dried, and the compound speed is fast;2. The product has no residual solvent, produces pollution-free emissions, saves energy, and has a small footprint;3, the composite process wet-solid reaction, irreversible, good adhesion and good washing fastness;4, strong viscosity, saving with glue, saving costs;5, the composite process is fully linked, the substrate is not stretched, the quality is light and soft, and the hand feels good;6, the heat source is oil heat, heating is fast, heat is even;7. The glue system is independent, and the glue is fully fast;8. The dot-like netting is glued, the finished product has good air permeability and strong stereoscopic effect;9, the machine is humanized design, saving operators;