
河南-郑州 发布日期 2023-10-19
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黑色碳化硅耐磨沙1mm2mm3mm 黑碳化硅是一种硬度很高的耐磨材料。黑碳化硅是由天然硅石和石油焦,添加食盐等辅料在大型电阻炉中经2300°高温冶炼得到的人工合成材料。他的维氏硬度为2800-3200HV,显微硬度为28-33GPa,耐磨损能力很强。黑碳化硅还具有很好的耐高温稳定性、耐低温稳定性、耐候性、抗老化、耐腐蚀、膨胀系数小、抗变形、绝缘性的特点。加入PU、塑料、树脂等材料中,可以增加材料的耐磨、防滑、抗裂、抗氧化性能。 Black silicon carbide is a wear-resistant material with high hardness. Black silicon carbide is an artificially synthesized material obtained by smelting natural silica and petroleum coke with additives such as salt in a large resistance furnace at 2300 ° C. His Vickers hardness is 2800-3200HV, and his micro hardness is 28-33GPa, indicating strong wear resistance. Black silicon carbide also has good high-temperature stability, low-temperature stability, weather resistance, aging resistance, corrosion resistance, small expansion coefficient, deformation resistance and insulation. Adding materials such as PU, plastic, and resin can increase the material's wear resistance, slip resistance, crack resistance, and oxidation resistance.   黑色碳化硅耐磨沙1mm2mm3mm的特性: 1.    高温化学稳定性和耐腐蚀性能强:碳化硅在1000°以下温度环境中性能十分稳定,1000°以上稳定下碳化硅的表面形成一层二氧化硅薄膜,仍然可保持碳化硅理化性能稳定。温度达到1627°以上,碳化硅的抗氧化能力才会下降。 2.    导热性能优越:常温下碳化硅的导热系数为60-200 W/(M·K)。纯碳化硅的理论导热系数(热导率)为490 W/(M·K),比大部分钢铁、铜和铝的导热系数还高。制成的碳化硅陶瓷件的导热系数为120-170 W/(M·K)。具有良好的热传导性能。 3.    碳化硅具有较低的热膨胀系数和抗热震性能:较低的热膨胀系数:25-1400摄氏度温度下,碳化硅的平均热膨胀系数为4.4x10-6/℃,低于氧化铝质的耐火材料。 4.    高硬度、韧性和高耐磨性:黑色碳化硅莫氏硬度为9.2-9.3,绿色碳化硅莫氏硬度为9.4-9.5,维氏硬度为3100-3400kg/mm2。碳化硅的硬度还会随着温度的增加有所降低,在1200度高温状态下,碳化硅的硬度能达到刚玉的2倍。 5.    高韧性:碳化硅磨料的韧性是指在外力作用下破碎的难易程度,以46目为例,静压法测试的韧性大概为68-78%。碳化硅的机械强度高于刚玉,以120目粒度为例,碳化硅的抗压强度为186KN/cm2,刚玉磨料的抗压强度为100KN/cm2。 6.    粒度均匀:颗粒大小范围窄,具有良好的流动性和分散性。 7.    清洁度高,游离碳含量低,杂质少。 Black carborundum/Silicon carbide features: 1. Strong high-temperature chemical stability and corrosion resistance: Silicon carbide has very stable performance in temperature environments below 1000 ° C. When stable above 1000 ° C, a layer of silicon dioxide film forms on the surface of silicon carbide, which can still maintain stable physical and chemical properties of silicon carbide. The oxidation resistance of silicon carbide will only decrease when the temperature reaches above 1627 ° C. 2. Superior thermal conductivity: The thermal conductivity of silicon carbide at room temperature is 60-200 W/(M · K). The theoretical thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity) of pure silicon carbide is 490 W/(M · K), which is higher than the thermal conductivity of most steel, copper, and aluminum. The thermal conductivity of the silicon carbide ceramic parts made is 120-170 W/(M · K). Has good thermal conductivity. 3. Silicon carbide has a lower coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal shock resistance: at a temperature of 25-1400 degrees Celsius, the average coefficient of thermal expansion of silicon carbide is 4.4x10-6/℃, which is lower than that of refractory materials made of aluminum oxide. 4. High hardness, toughness, and wear resistance: The Mohs hardness of black silicon carbide is 9.2-9.3, the Mohs hardness of green silicon carbide is 9.4-9.5, and the Vickers hardness is 3100-3400kg/mm2. The hardness of silicon carbide will also decrease with the increase of temperature. At a high temperature of 1200 degrees, the hardness of silicon carbide can reach twice that of corundum. 5. High toughness: The toughness of silicon carbide abrasives refers to the difficulty of crushing under external forces. Taking 46 mesh as an example, the toughness tested by static pressure method is approximately 68-78%. The mechanical strength of silicon carbide is higher than that of corundum. Taking 120 mesh particle size as an example, the compressive strength of silicon carbide is 186KN/cm2, and the compressive strength of corundum abrasive is 100KN/cm2. 6. Uniform particle size: The particle size range is narrow, with good fluidity and dispersibility. 7. High cleanliness, low free carbon content, and low impurities. 黑色碳化硅耐磨沙1mm2mm3mm化学指标: SiC ≥98.5% SiO2 ≤1% H2O3 ≤0.5% Fe2O3 ≤0.3% F.C ≤0.3% 磁性物含量 ≤0.02% 黑色碳化硅耐磨沙1mm2mm3mm典型物理指标: 莫氏硬度: 9.2 努普硬度 3000-3300 kg/mm2 维氏硬度 2940-3200 kg/mm2 熔点 °C游离 Max使用温度 1900℃ 比重: 3.2-3.45 g/cm3 堆积密度(LPD): 1.2-1.6 g/cm3(根据粒度有所不同) 颜色: 黑色 晶体形状:
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